Conditional Sequence Flow
A sequence flow connector out of an activity may be marked as conditional, meaning it is enabled only if its attached data condition is true. A sequence flow out of an Exclusive Gateway or Inclusive Gateway is always conditional, but carries no visual marker.
Condition Type
The Change Shape action on a sequence flow out of an activity allows you to define the type of the condition, either Conditional, marked with a diamond shape on the tail, Default, with a slash across the sequence flow, or No condition, with no visual marker. Default flow is enabled when no other sequence flow out of the activity or gateway is enabled.
![condition type 2](_images/condition-type-2.png)
The conditional marker only applies to the Sequence Flow shape out of an activity. A sequence flow out of an event may not be conditional, and a sequence flow out of a gateway does not display the diamond shape.
![condition type 1](_images/condition-type-1.png)
The Attributes/Condition context menu action on a sequence flow lets you define the data condition as a FEEL Boolean expression of process variables.
It is possible to edit multiple conditions from the same activity or gateway at once too from the Attributes/Conditions context menu of the sequence flow source. This will open the following dialog. Untitled sequence flow will be identified by their target.
![conditions 1](_images/conditions-1.png)
You can change the type of a sequence flow by using the drop-down menu on the left.
![conditions 2](_images/conditions-2.png)
You can rename sequence flow by clicking on their name.
![conditions 3](_images/conditions-3.png)
The "Clear all" button at the bottom will remove all conditions on sequence flows. The default sequence flow will not be changed.