Knock-off Task
Knock-off tasks allows to set a list of questions asked to the user. The task is completed when the first 'Yes' (true) or the first 'No' (false) answer is encountered. To build this kind of task, click the Attributes/Knock-off task… context menu action.
![knock off task 1](_images/knock-off-task-1.png)
Task Configuration
The Knock-off task is implemented using a MI Sequential loop, which iterates through each question one at a time and minimizes introducing of artificial elements into the process.
Selecting Attributes/Knock-off task causes the following dialog to appear.
Click on the check mark to enable the feature.
Then provide a list of questions.
Choose the condition to stop the task at the first 'Yes' or the first 'No'.
Once the Knock-off Task configuration is set. Open the Data Mapping of the Task, the list of Questions will be created on the Mapping Expression of the Input Mapping. Adding a new question on that list will update the questions on the Knock-off task first dialog. An iterator name and an inner data inputs will be created automatically with the mapping. This one can be updated at any time.
Also the output mapping will be created automatically, with the Completion Condition expression depending on the option completed when the first 'Yes' (true) or the first 'No'. And a new data output with a default name "Result" of type Boolean is also created.
When executing the Process, the List of Questions will be asked to the user one by one as long as the response satisfies the option when the knock-off task has been configured, otherwise the task is completed.
The knock-off task is changed to normal task (knock-off task marker disappears) when the option Knock-off task is unselected, or the MI marker is removed or changed to a parallel or it is not a User task anymore or the collection to iterate is not a list of string or the resulting inner collection is not a list of boolean anymore. |